Thursday 8 March 2018

Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist 2.0!

Here in Ontario we have gone from +15 T-shirt weather to -8 and a blizzard the next day. But I'm guessing you all know what I am thinking about. Yes, that's right. SPRING. CLEANING. My 2nd Favorite time of the year! Fall is a hard #1! 

Since spring is fast approaching, I found it necessary to update and remake my spring cleaning list to accommodate those who needed to add tasks of their own to the list. It is a free download for everyone to use and I hope you all enjoy cleaning out the old and bringing in the new!

 Click the HERE for your free download that will open in your google documents!

Another great thing I love to do with a lot printable's I make and come across on pinterest is print them off and then I stick them into a plastic sheet protector and then it becomes reusable. You can add in your own tasks then and check off as you go along then when your done erase (if you use permanent marker you can use bug spray and paper towel to wipe clean) neat little trick eh? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Doc has been Deleted.