Wednesday 9 April 2014

Weight loss Wednesday: A Guide To Clean Eating

About a month ago I decided to start clean eating, and it's been one of the hardest yet gratifying and rewarding things I think I've ever done. It took me about a couple weeks to get into the swing of things because I had no one to help me and basically followed everything off of websites because I had no idea what foods are okay, and what foods I should avoid. After that ordeal I thought to myself, there has to be an easier way to do this. So I have put together a Guide on how you can start clean eating too without all the hassle and hopefully have an easier transition than I did :)

1. Throw out ALL the junk in your fridge and pantry.
I didn't throw away all my food I gave some of it to my parents and kept some for my husband who still needs to eat that crap because he's in the middle of bulking up while im trying to widdle down so our diets collide quiet frequently, and also makes this process a lot harder. Sift through to make room for all your new healthy foods :) The easiest way to do this is to check the ingredients, if you can't pronounce it, have no idea what it even is, or if theres an ingredient list of 10 gazillion things, CHUCK. IT. OUT. Say your goodbyes and give it the boot. The more junk food like chocolate, chips, ect you don't have stashed in your cubbards, the less tempted you'll be to inhale them when nobodies around and lie to yourself that you don't feel bad for eating them anyways :)

The hardest part of my transition. Finding a BASIC clean eating diet grocery list was like finding a needle in a haystack in the middle of a blizzard.

TIP: It will be a bit difficult at first but try substitution first rather than just dropping everything cold turkey if you think you won't be able to stick with it right away. I went cold turkey and it was EXTREMELY difficult to keep to it at first but eventually my taste buds got used to what I was eating instead of the crap it had before.

Here's a list of everything you should try to incorporate into your new clean eating diet.

- Steam, Bake, Grill, or eat your food raw
- Fill 2/3 of your plate with veggies
- Eat Fruit for dessert
- Drink your body weight in water daily (or at least 64oz)
- If you incorporate red meat into your diet have it 90% lean or higher beef

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