Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Ultimate Grocery Shopping List

I've had huge amounts of questions asked by my fellow family and friends as to how I grocery shop. I've very particulate and I seriously get really agitated and mad when I go grocery shopping with other people who won't just relax and chill out, let me get into my zone and we'll be done quicker than if they'd just shut-up and stop complaining about how I'm doing things haha. I usually shop at wal-mart and metro. As wal-mart has amazing deals on almost everything, except meat, and yes meat at metro can be expensive too but they have sweet deals on bulk items like last time i went in and got 3 packs of pork chops with about 8-10 in each pack, and they were 9$ each. SCORE!

So here's what I do.

And I can't fathom this enough. If you have a list, and you only get what is on that list (apart from if you seriously see a GREAT deal you can't refuse) only then would you stray a bit, that you will save astronomical amounts on your grocery bill.

It's a brilliant step. We start off with bread, to the cheese, to meat, and the dairy section, and get our laundry soap and stuff as well. Then we start on the middle isles going up and down EACH one, do not skip them as it will throw you off, I know it does me every time I lose my husband down the cookie isle or something and have to back track to find the guy and then I'm all mixed up. Very annoying.

Seriously, as soon as you have finished and gotten your last item on your list, beeline it to the check out. Just get there as fast as you can. I used to skip this step numerous times, and ended up my eyes scanning around for items I could potentially find that are useful, like extra TP if it's on sale or something mean while I got 4 packets at home with 26 in each enough to last me the next 3 months haha.

Alright, the eau de resistance, I am going to provide you with my ultimate grocery shopping list. Prepare to have your minds blown.

Click HERE to get the download.

Now how you use this list (and even add to it to personalize it to your wants & needs) is in each category list everything that you and your family uses. Each time I go grocery shopping I sit down in front of this list, and since it has EVERYTHING we use on a monthly basis that I never miss picking something up at the store, or have to do multiple trips :) Happy shopping friends, I hope this helps! :)

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